Do you like Fun? Networking? Showing off Your Campus? You Should Host a Conference!
ETC is looking for institutions that are interested in hosting a future Annual Conference. By serving as host, you and your institution can increase visibility of your institution to other campuses across the country while providing a valuable service to the Collaborative. Host institutions are supported by the Executive Office to help with the execution of the conference.
Why should someone want to host?
- National recognition for your university - the ability to be creative on showing your peers what your campus is all about, including community outreach and promotion
- More opportunities for your team to attend and giving them visibility into the education, technology, and AV professions
- Manufacturers and vendors come to you - gives them visibility on your campus and departments’ successes
- Bringing ideas to your institution from other institutions and vendors
- Opportunity for professional development and peer connections between the local teams and those coming to campus as a great benefit
- Showcasing innovative new tech spaces, initiatives, and best practices
- Six complimentary registrations to attend the event
- 50% discount for additional attendees from your institution and surrounding partner institutions
- 2 VIP passes for institutional leaders
What are the highlights/benefits of the conference?
- Networking with peers in the field
- Building relationships with other institutions
- Share experiences, ideas, and solutions – trainings and workshops
- Audiovisual and IT Services: Support, Models, and Practices
- Leadership and Organizational Development/Structure
- DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
- Tech showcases allow corporate members to connect with clients, and present new technology
- Engage with local vendors and businesses
- Opportunities to spend time with attendees outside of the conference –social events
- Make long term connections with the ETC community
- Showcase your technology with a campus tour
Who is the audience?
- AV & IT Professionals
- Higher Education Institutions
- Instructional Designers
- Technology Vendors
- Manufacturers
Target criteria for hosting a conference:
- Location for a three to four-day conference, generally held in the month of October
- Geographical location diversity (ETC tries to rotate conference locations between the Eastern, Central and Western regions of the US).
- Access to major air transportation service and ground transportation from airport to conference location (preference within 25 miles)
- Assistance identifying meeting facility/hotels within walking distance of your institution
- Local hotel options that can accommodate approximately 175 guest rooms
- Meeting rooms with meal and break options for a minimum of 175 (large group and smaller rooms for concurrent sessions, ideally more than 6,000 SQ ft of meeting space)
- Institutional staff time availability to assist with conference planning.
- Technical support prior and during conference (media equipment and support services)
- Access to local entertainment and recreational venues
- Ease of travel for campus site visit
- Produce promotional video for conference
- Presentation at prior conference to promote event
- Detailed responsibilities for all parties involved can be found in the draft MOU for each conference found here.
ETC will provide:
- Assistance with developing conference budget
- RFP process for local hotel and meeting space venues
- Contract negotiations with hotel, keynote speakers, and entertainment venues
- Organize committee planning meetings
- Facilitate registration process
- On-site management of attendee check-in
- Marketing and promotional language to promote the event
- Conference website
- Assist with keynote speaker contracts and on-site management of speakers
- Cancellation insurance coverage for the event and other relevant insurance policies as needed
- Review and coordination of all vendor payments (hotel, speakers, off-site events, etc.)
- Will coordinate sponsored equipment as needed from corporate partners for the event.

Additional Information:
Click here to complete the submission form. A partnership agreement will be executed with the host institution if selected to host an event. If you would like additional information regarding this agreement in advance, please contact the Executive Office.